Reaching a Tipping Point

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Over the past few weeks, there have been several large barrages of rockets toward the Galilee and the Golan Heights. Several times, they have hit near or in the town of Katzrin, where we live. The pictures below are from recent fires, just last week on the outskirts of Katzrin. These fires were started by rockets that hit open fields. It’s very close to my house and our Fields of Wheat ministry house.

Tens of thousands of acres of farmland, nature reserves, and at times also homes were impacted by these devastating fires. The news in Israel has described it as “The north is burning.” As talks for a hostage deal are nearing a tipping point, so is the conflict with Lebanon. We don’t know what comes next, but these immediate few weeks will be critical in telling us what happens next. Hezbollah has said that if the war in Gaza ends, they will cease firing into Israel. Already, they have fired thousands of rockets and RPGs, causing incredible damage and laying waste to whole towns and military bases in the north while displacing 100,000 people for nine months!

Tough Questions

I know that you love Israel and are praying with us. So, please allow me to ask some tough questions as one who is raising a family here, loves our youth, and has seen active combat on the battlefield.

Israel has, for the most part, “taken the blows” in the north for the sake of focusing on Gaza and not starting a second front in this war. But even if a deal is reached in Gaza, and even if Hezbollah is true to their word and stops firing – can Israel afford to ignore the danger Hezbollah poses to our nation? Even if we don’t deal with them today, we will have to deal with them later – whether that be a year or two, or four years down the line. Hezbollah has one mission – killing Jews and the elimination of the state of Israel. At some point, they will try to accomplish that mission. Will 100,000 displaced people return to their homes with the danger Hezbollah poses in the north if unchecked, after what we saw October 7th? I know many of them who’ve said they will not return without military action.

Can Israel afford a reality where a terror group lays waste to our northern regions and causes them to become desolate once again? Isn’t this, in essence, a direct attack on God’s promises to plant his people in their land – and for them never to be uprooted again? He declared that we would build up the desolate places, not that our cities and towns would become desolate once more. I know this is all momentary, but it’s so clear to me today that what is happening in the north of Israel is a clear violation of God’s promises to Israel and a murderous assault upon us as His people of covenant.

Questions and issues pertaining to this conflict will most likely come to a head in the coming weeks with implications for both small-scale (families) and large-scale (nations). Consequently, this is a time to “watch and pray” for God’s will to be established.

“He who keeps Israel will neither slumber nor sleep” Psalm 121:4

Upcoming Katzir youth camp – “Living Water” 

“For I will pour water on the thirsty land, and streams on the dry ground; I will pour my Spirit upon your offspring, and my blessing on your descendants.” Isaiah 44:3

While the storm of war swirls around us, Israel’s youth remain our focus. We are well into preparations for our summer camp (August 18-22). Our theme, “Living Water,” is God’s response to a time when many of us in the land are in need of a renewal of life and hope in our hearts and souls. The last nine months in Israel, since October 7th, have been emotionally and spiritually draining for so many. In this moment, we are in need of a fresh outpouring of His Spirit on us and our youth. The location of our camp goes well with our theme. We will be in the hot, southern desert of Israel in the summer, talking about the living waters of Yeshua, available to us in the midst of a dry land – for our thirsty souls.

“If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink. He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.” John 7:37-38 

Please pray for our team and all the preparations that are underway. Pray for our young adult volunteers. Right now, we still need another 10-12 counselors to join our team, and I’m sure some potential counselors have been affected by the war. Many have served in reserve duty for long periods. Some who would normally be with us might be in active duty. So, please actively trust the Lord with us to provide everything we need for this camp to take place.Our most important asset for successful camps is our people – the young adults who come as volunteers to serve and give of themselves to our teens.

We Need Your Help!

The timing of this summer’s Israeli Teen Summer Camp is critical for our young people. When camp begins (August 18-22), our nation will have been continuously at war for more than 10 months! Their refreshing is urgent!

As you read this, PLEASE ask the Lord if He wants to use you in resourcing this life-impacting experience for the youth of Israel. They are are the key to Yeshua’s end-time harvest!

Katzir Youth Camp Support! (Give HERE)

Also, please pray that the security situation will allow the camp to take place. This camp is so meaningful and encouraging to the youth, especially at this time. We are really believing that we will be able to host the camp as planned without any hindrance or last-minute security “interruptions.”

Thank you for your faithful prayers and financial support!
Joel Jelski and the Fields of Wheat Team

Helping us Help Them!

P.S. As I write this update to you, our team is spread out across oceans and states. Eitan is in Israel faithfully “holding down the fort,” while Ruby and I are on opposite sides of the U.S. Ruby is currently on the East Coast serving as a counselor for a messianic teen camp, while I am in Phoenix wrapping up a week here visiting my family and making new connections with churches and congregations. Thank you for your prayers for our travels, for the strengthening and deepening of existing relationships, and for the beginning of many new ones.

Joel’s US Travel SCHEDULE:
July 13 Mobile, AL – (get in touch for more info)
July 14 Pensacola, FL – Freedom Church
July 21 San Bernardino, CA – Rock Church
July 27 Knoxville, TN – Shomair Yisrael Messianic Synagogue
July 28 Corryton, TN – Fairview Knox (AM)
July 28 Tellico Plains, TN – River of Life (PM)
July 29 Rochester, MI – Rochester Christian Church
July 31 Jacksonville, NC – River of Life Church
August 4 Beulaville, NC – Grace Covenant Church

Reading Time: 5 minutes

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